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that bring more Love of Life

Rhonda provides a variety of Healing Services for the Mind, Body, and Spirit. The healing modalities she has been attracted to all involve Higher Consciousness and connection that includes the body.
Access Consciousness Bars
Energetic Facelift 
Massage Therapy
Crystal Healing
Angel Reading
Theta Healing
Aromatherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, and Therapeutic Touch, Registered Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Somato Emotional Release, Crystal Healing, Theta Healing, and Biofield Energy Transmitter sessions to offer you more access to ALL of YOU.     

Access Consciousness Bars


Imagine having 32 points on your head gently touched that act as a delete button to create greater possibilities for your life and living.  


  • What would your life look like if you were free of excessive unhelpful mind chatter?

  • Do you have anything you would like to change with your money flows?

  • Do you tend to control everyone around you?

  • Do you continually judge your body?  

At the worst it could feel like a great head massage, at the best you can open to more CHOICE for creating your life as the dream you know is possible.  

60 minutes: $100.00


Access Body Processes


Do you have an ailment that no matter what you do does not seem to go away?


Are you ready and willing to try just about anything for some relief or clarity?


This is a gentle hands on process, it is not always comfortable and sometimes it is a feeling of bliss that is unimaginable.  


Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift


Do you seem to be wearing your judgements on your face?


Receive the energy of this treatment and be Ah!mazed.


90 minutes $123.00


package of 3: $333.00


Massage Therapy


Treatment and assessment of the soft tissues and joints of the body to improve over all wellBEing.  Inspiring the systemic and lymphatic functions of the body to be optimal.  In this sacred space, Rhonda tunes into your body and being and provides the nurturing, or kneading your body may be asking for.


This is covered by many health plans. 


30 min: $44.00

55 min: $84.00

90 min: $123.00


Crystal Healing

Are you attracted to bright colours, sparkly or mysterious geometric forms from earth or space? Are your pockets overflowing with stones that called out to be with you for your day?


Do you have a favorite gemstone ring or necklace that connects you to an ancient power or sense of peace?  Perhaps it is time to bring your awareness to the next level with a private crystal healing. 


Crystal healing is an Ancient art of combining the power of color and light and placing stones on the energy centers of your body.  When combined with your breath the stones lend their consciousness with yours.  


This creates a safe space for you to have access to the wisdom of your soul and to release and to pull up the roots of any blockages that may be holding you back from Living the life of your dreams.


You will be transported to a place to create new patterns that serve you BEST. Imagine having your own keys to whatever you desire to change or embrace, to be more of YOU.   


Chakra Balance


To dip your toe into these energies a chakra balance is a great place to start, where we will clear away any debris that keeps you from the optimal light filled functioning of you.  Or dive right in with a full session.  Please allow 2 hours to give yourself enough time to integrate the benefits and the bliss of this scientifical magic space of change.


30 minutes:  $50.00​
90 minutes: $133.00


Amethyst Bio Mat


Imagine the benefits of a deep penetrating heat far infrared rays helping to emit toxins and relieve stress from your body. These rays travel through the amethyst crystals which have been known for their calming and restorative effects since ancient times. Combine this with the healing of the negative Ion therapy that will help cleanse your blood and enhance your immune system. Here you have 3 therapies in one and if you choose to have this with a service the effects are amplified.

Does this sound like the Ultimate Pick me up? Schedule a session either on its own or as an enhancement to any service on the massage table.

45 minutes:  $50.00
or add 10.00 to your session


Angel Reading


Rhonda creates a safe space and calls upon Divine guidance and all of your guardian angels and divine beings who are here for you for your Highest good with blessing and benefits for all concerned.


She asks for the messages to come through very clearly and in divine truth. There are many times in life when you may choose to have an angel reading, in transitional points when you are feeling stuck or in a rut and can’t seem to access your own higher guidance. Perhaps you would like to receive messages from a deceased loved one or pet for more peace. Is it time to consider a career change? What are your true hearts desires?


Often the Angels will include a specialized blend of Energy Therapy for you 


Sessions via Skype or in person.


30 minutes: $50.00

60 minutes: $100.00


Theta Healing


Theta healing is a combination technique. By changing into the Theta Brainwave state, and connecting with the Creator of All that is, a possibility for miraculous and instantaneous mental and emotional healing exists.  

Sessions via Skype or in person.
30 minutes: $44.00
60 minutes:  $84.00


337 Central Street

Summerside, PE

C1N 3N2


t:  902-724-4555

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